Reflections Beyond (হার্ডকভার)
Reflections Beyond (হার্ডকভার)
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"Reflections Beyond" is my first book of Poems composed in English, in which I have tried to bring out some untold feelings of the human minds, specially those of the Women. These Feelings are the Results of the Social impact upon them, Memories that are either tumultous or tranquil. "There is no greater agony than bearing an untold Story inside you." (Maya Angelou, an American poet) These nurtured secrets unfold themselves bit by bit thus calming the Minds with Tranquility. My Endeavour will be greatly rewarded if my Readers find Similarity of these tales with their own. The poems are reflections of Past Events, imbued with a Sense of Calm and Tranquility.

Title : Reflections Beyond
Author : নাসরীন তাহের
Publisher : প্রতিভা প্রকাশ
ISBN : 9789849810834
Edition : 1st Published, 2024
Number of Pages : 48
Country : Bangladesh
Language : English

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